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BackPack Give Back Program

The “Backpack Give Back” program is a Community Sharing Program with outreach of the hope of Christ to our local homeless population.

How you can help


Collecting BackPacks

Get Involved, don't leave it to others!


Volunteering is easy- 


Collect backpacks in your child's class, ask the teacher to help, see if other teachers will help, when you have collected, email us at:



Collect backpacks at your church, ask your pastor to make an announcement, or put in the bulletin or on the website or facebook


Collect backpacks in your neighborhood


when you have collected, email us at:

email us at :



Collect items for the BackPacks, donate


Post in your facebook or instagram




Some of the items needed:

Bibles - Deodorant - Hand Sanitizer - Soap - Fruit/Granola/Breakfast/Protein Bars - Vienna Sausage Cans - Beef Jerky Can goods-ready to heat/heat and serve (pop tops if possible) – Peanuts - Peanut Butter Crackers – Jello Packs/Pudding Packs - Juice Boxes - New Socks - New underwear/panties - New T-shirts – Sunscreen - Hygiene Wipes - Chap Stick - Feminine Hygiene Products - Baby items/wipes/diapers/formula etc. - Zip Locks - Matches – Hats - Small Blankets - $5 Gift cards to Subway/McDonald’s  - Mints/Gum - Hard Candy – Toothpaste - Tooth Brushes   Combs - Small Brushes - Fingernail Clippers – Shampoo/Conditioners - Water bottles

Personal Notes of Encouragement


If you would like to help, we are providing a list of some of the needs that will fill these backpacks.  You can put the donated items in the backpack, or in a bag, and put it in the bins. 


Click Here to donate:



You can also donate, by texting:      BackPack to 406-302-5086. 


All funds will be used to fill backpacks and administrate providing to the homeless and their needs.

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